Complete Our 2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey for a Chance to Win!
March 29, 2022
As life continues to return to normal this year, Omnitrans is working to resume service and provide new transportation options for the communities who rely on us to get to work, run errands, buy groceries, and more.
Each year, we ask you to rate your experience to get a pulse on our level of satisfaction. The constructive feedback you provide lets us know what we are doing well, what has improved year over year, and most importantly, informs us on what we need to focus on to enhance your experience on Omnitrans.
We invite you to complete our short survey and let us know how we are doing! The last survey day is Sunday, May 1, 2022. All who complete the survey will be automatically entered to WIN one of ten prize packs, which include:
- one $25 Stater Bros gift card,
- one 7-day Omnitrans bus pass, and
- one Omnitrans baseball cap!
To be entered into the prize drawing, you must submit a complete survey. Our ten randomly-selected winners will be contacted in June 2022 via e-mail. Thank you for choosing Omnitrans, and for providing your honest feedback in our annual customer satisfaction survey!
Omnitrans and several other mid-sized agencies in North America form the American Bus Benchmarking Group (ABBG), established in 2011 to measure performance and share best practices. The information gathered from your surveys this spring will help provide a comprehensive overview of the bus rider experience nationwide.
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