Omnitrans’ Strategic Plan aims to redefine our shared vision, purpose, and commitments to our employees, customers, and community. This plan is the result from months of agency-wide conversations and will serve as a guide to help us meet our goals over the next five years: to connect our communities with safe and exceptional service, champion the work of our employees, maintain financial sustainability, and expand economic opportunity and mobility across the region.
Vision and Mission
Our work is guided by a clear sense of purpose, informed by a clear vision and mission.
To provide innovative mobility solutions that connect our region and strengthen the economy.
To connect our community with coordinated and sustainable transit service.
Our values are the shared beliefs that represent what are most important to us as an organization.
We put safety first in everything we do.
We are good stewards of public funds, using our resources efficiently and responsibly for maximum performance in order to promote ridership growth.
We explore new ideas to improve service, support our employees, maximize performance, and protect the environment.
We partner to create mobility solutions that meet a wide range of community needs.
We are responsive to customer needs, enhancing access to opportunities and services.
We are honest, trustworthy, and transparent.
We promote equity and respect the broad range of backgrounds, perspectives and ideas represented by our employees and community.
We advocate for safe and affordable transit and its value to the community.
Strategic Directions
The strategic directions are our priorities for moving Omnitrans forward and drive our work throughout the next five years.
our finances long-term, and explore new funding sources
our customer base
our role in providing mobility and connectivity to the community
our finances long-term, and explore new funding sources
our communication with all our stakeholders
entrepreneurial, and innovative

The following goals provide a “path” toward our primary desired achievements and serve as the organizing structure for elements that will direct our implementation efforts.
Safe and Secure Operations
Enhance our safety culture by providing safe and secure operations, improving safety for employees and customers while responding swiftly to new and emerging conditions.
Customer Experience
Provide a reliable and positive customer experience that promotes ridership growth.
Organizational and Workforce Development
Cultivate a work environment that fosters employee development and success.
Support operational stability and identify innovative funding to increase service levels.
Long-Range Planning
Create long-term solutions through effective local and regional planning.
Community Engagement
Enhance our value to the region through intentional community partnerships to continue being a responsive, engaging partner to those we serve.
Management Plan
The annual Management Plan outlines the specific actions that Omnitrans pursues to implement the Strategic Plan.