Service Alerts

Meet the Planner!

January 24, 2024

Meet the Planner!

Omnitrans is committed to providing safe, reliable, affordable, friendly, and environmentally responsible transportation to the San Bernardino Valley. As the new year begins, Omnitrans is developing plans for future service and we need YOUR input! Omnitrans will host “Meet the Planner” events next month to receive any comments and suggestions from the community.

Below you can find the information about each Planned Public Outreach for 2024.

City/CommunityLocationDateTimeRoutes to Meeting
HighlandBaseline @ Boulder StopFriday, February 1610 am – 1 pm4, 15
ChinoChino Transit CenterTuesday, February 206 am – 9 am83, 84, 85, 88, OmniRide Chino Hills
FontanaFontana Transit CenterWednesday, February 213 pm – 6 pm10, 14, 15, 19, 61, 66, 67, 82, 312
ZoomZoom/Virtual Meeting LinkSaturday, February 248 am – 9 amZoom
MontclairMontclairTuesday, February 273 pm – 6 pm66, 84, 85, 88, OmniRide Upland
OntarioOntarioWednesday, February 2811:30 am – 2:30 pm61, 81, 82
ZoomZoom/Virtual Meeting LinkWednesday, February 287 pm – 8 pmZoom
San BernardinoSan Bernardino Transit CenterThursday, February 296 am – 9 amsbX, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 215, 300, 305
ColtonArrowhead Medical Regional CenterThursday, February 2911:30 am – 2:30 pm1, 19, 22, OmniRide Bloomington

The public is welcome at these meetings within the specified dates and times to discuss with Omnitrans staff the items listed above. You may mail comments to the Omnitrans main office located at 1700 West Fifth Street, San Bernardino, California 92411 to the attention of the Strategic Development Department. Comments may also be received by telephone by calling (909) 379-7342, emailing us at, or submitting a comment below.

Thoughts on “Meet the Planner!

  1. Hello,

    Can you make a bus route that passes through 6th street? There is a bus shuttle that picks up from the Metrolink in Rancho and drives through 6th but makes no stops because it’s heading to Ontario airport. I take the Metrolink and work on 6th in between Milliken and Haven and have to walk 30 minutes from the rancho station to get to work. Can you please consider having a shuttle that passes through there OR add the route to the shuttle that goes to straight to Ontario airport. Just a suggestion but it would definitely help! Thanks! 🙏🏼

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