
Omnitrans Offers Free Rides on California Clean Air Day!

September 23, 2020

As the public transit provider in the San Bernardino Valley operating on a fleet fueled entirely by compressed natural gas (CNG), cleaner air in our communities is a value close to our heart. This year, we are proud to join the Coalition for Clean Air in support of California Clean Air Day on Wednesday, October 7, 2020!

Earlier this year, Californians achieved some of the cleanest air in several years due to the stay-at-home period during which people commuted much less, resulting in reduced pollution and car emissions into our environment. Fast-forward to present day, and we are seeing some of the worst air quality as wildfires blaze through California and nearby states. We have the power to change this for the better and invite you to join Omnitrans and the Coalition for Clean Air to do your part to create clean air in our communities.

Take the pledge

It starts with you. We all have the power to play an active role in protecting the health and well-being of our communities. Make your commitment to clean air official by joining the community of pledgers, then help reduce vehicle use by riding environmentally-friendly public transit to honor your pledge!

On October 7th, Omnitrans is proud to offer free rides exclusively on the free Transit app (to new, and existing users) to encourage you to leave your car at home and ride the bus for cleaner air. 

How to claim your free Omnitrans ride

  1. Using the links below, download Transit, the official app of Omnitrans. (It’s free and easy to use!)
  2. At the bottom of the screen, beside the Omnitrans logo, click on BUY TICKETS.
  3. You will receive a message stating that your fare is not required in honor of Clean Air Day.
  4. Show this to your driver when boarding and enjoy your ride. (If you close out of the screen, tap the Buy Tickets button again.)

Offer valid for new or existing Transit app users. This offer is also available for users of the Token Transit mobile app. Offer valid only on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 to mobile fare users.

Share your transit story for a chance to win prizes and a gift card!

How has Omnitrans helped you this year? Has public transit made a positive impact in your life? Let us know below!

We encourage you to share a short sentence or two expressing how Omnitrans public transit has benefitted you. By submitting an entry, you will be entered into a random drawing for one of five Omnitrans prize packs of goodies, including a 7-day pass and $10 Juan Pollo gift card!

2 thoughts on “Omnitrans Offers Free Rides on California Clean Air Day!

  1. Omnitrans clean air day free ride kept 4 buck’s in my pocket today, I can use towards food. Thanks Omnitrans

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