Safety and Security

Omnitrans is dedicated to keeping customers and employees safe and secure. Learn more about protection policies and safety measures.

Safety & security are our highest priorities.

We are dedicated to keeping our family of Omnitrans employees and customers safe and secure. Our coach operators are trained with the latest safety and security information. Our buses are equipped with onboard cameras for your protection. We have implemented rigorous cleaning and precautionary measures in response to COVID-19.

APTA Gold Award

Awarded to Omnitrans for outstanding safety


If you have a safety and security concern, please let us know and we address it immediately. In case of an emergency where emergency response personnel are needed, calls should be directed to 9-1-1. Always follow the instructions of your driver, police and fire officials.        1-800-966-6428

On the bus, if you see something, say something

Passengers provide a vital second set of eyes to ensure safety aboard buses. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with your surroundings (on buses and elsewhere) and be alert.

Report suspicious packages

Take your personal items with you when you exit the bus. If you find an unattended or suspicious package, do not touch it. Immediately report it to your driver or call 911. 

  • Unattended package
  • Bulky wrapping
  • Strange smells
  • Wires or ropes sticking out

Report suspicious people

If you see someone suspicious, report it to your driver and/or police.

  • Act in a disorderly manner
  • Are alarming and disturbing others
  • Abandon a package and quickly exit the area
  • Carry a weapon or if you suspect the person is carrying a weapon
  • Pace, appear nervous or are jumpy

WeTip: Crime reporting hotline

(800) 78-CRIME (800-782-7463)

Omnitrans, in partnership with We Tip, Inc. has an anonymous hotline for passengers to report crimes 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. If you see any illegal activity, please contact WeTip to provide an anonymous tip and possibly get a reward. The WeTip hotline provides a way for all passengers to report crimes and policy violations without any fear or without any possibility of being identified. 

Submit a tip online

Text-a-Tip: Non-emergency suspicious activity reporting


While there is no charge for the Text-a-Tip service, standard messaging and data rates from your phone service carrier may apply, depending on your wireless plan.

Suspicious activity at Omnitrans facilities, bus stops, stations or transit centers can be directly texted to Omnitrans’ security team for investigation through the Text-a-Tip program. Text-a-Tip is intended solely for reporting non-emergency activities, such as suspicious people, graffiti, vandalism, or unattended packages. When providing a text tip, the user should always include the facility location, stop or exact location in their texts, so the security team knows where to investigate. Photos may also be included. 

Emergency Preparedness

Being prepared is the best way to reduce the stress and complications that an emergency brings. Preparedness helps you safeguard yourself and your family, while also providing peace of mind. Omnitrans has a number of measures in place to address a broad range of emergencies. Additionally, we encourage you to be prepared. Below are links to sites with valuable info to help you prepare for the next emergency. 

San Bernardino County Office of Emergency Service Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) American Red Cross U.S. Department of Homeland Security

The Omnitrans 2017 Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) complies with the regulations set forth by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires that local governments/districts, as a condition of receiving federal disaster mitigation funds, have a mitigation plan that:

  • Describes the process for identifying hazards, risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Identifies and prioritizes mitigation actions.
  • Encourages the development of local mitigation.
  • Provides technical support for those efforts.
  • Contact Omnitrans Security Specialist (909) 379-7117 for more information 

    Email for more information 

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