
Submit Your Poem Into the Omnitrans Youth Poetry Contest!
May 10, 2020
This contest closed on May 31, 2020.
Put your writing and rhyming skills to work for a chance to win prizes during the Omnitrans Youth Poetry Contest!
The world is undergoing a collective experience together right now as we overcome a global health crisis. Although we are isolated while we shelter in place, we are unified by this common experience, and hopefully have had a little extra time at home to reflect.
To help the youth in our community exercise its creativity and engage in a fun activity with a competitive twist while school is out, Omnitrans is proud to host a youth poetry contest! The prompt? All the things that we love about our home – the I.E.
We invite youth in the communities we serve, ages 5-17, to express themselves through poetry, embracing what they love about the Inland Empire – from their family and friends, to the views of snow-capped mountains.
Submissions must follow the rules listed below, and will be accepted through Sunday, May 31, 2020. A panel of judges will then select the first, second, and third place winners in each of the three category (Ages 5-8, 9-12, 13-17).
First Place: Poems will be printed on an interior bus card to be displayed aboard Omnitrans buses, shared on our website and social media, and winners will receive a $20 In-N-Out card and Omnitrans swag bag.
Second Place: Poems will be shared on our website and social media, and winners will receive a $15 Chick-fil-A card and Omnitrans swag bag.
Third Place: Poems will be shared on our website and social media, and winners will receive a $10 Baskin-Robbins card and Omnitrans swag bag.
The poem should have and not exceed 9 lines, and each line should start with the letters O-M-N-I-T-R-A-N-S, in order. Title and spaces not included in the total count.
Ontario Mills is where I like to prowl,
McDonalds first so my tummy don’t growl.
Official Rules
- Contest is open to all youth ages 5-17 residing within Omnitrans service area in the cities of Chino, Chino Hills, Colton, Fontana, Grand Terrace, Highland, Loma Linda, Montclair, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, Redlands, Rialto, San Bernardino, Upland, and Yucaipa.
- Up to three poems may be submitted per person.
- All poetry must be understandable by a wide audience and appropriate for public viewing by all ages; no lewd content, violence, gore, or foul language. No political or commercial advertisements or statements, written or implied are permitted.
- Omnitrans and its judging committee reserve the right to disqualify and/or remove any inappropriate writing as they deem necessary.
- Official judging based on a 1-5 scale on use of the theme, creativity, originality, and skill. Decisions of the judges are final.
- Poems must not exceed the designated number of lines: 9 lines, each starting with these letters, in order: O-M-N-I-T-R-A-N-S. Title and spaces not included in this count.
- Poetry must be original. Use of copyrighted and/or trademarked work in your artwork automatically disqualifies you from winning.
- Contestants are split into three categories: Ages 5-8, 9-12, and 13-17.
- Omnitrans employees and immediate family, as well as contest judges and immediate family of judges, are not eligible for prizes. Any group that includes an Omnitrans employee or immediate family member, or contest judge’s immediate family member, will also not be awarded a prize.
- Non‐compliance with the rules will result in removal from the competition.
- Omnitrans reserves the right to reproduce poems for marketing, promotion, and publicity purposes only. Poets will retain all right for future publication.
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