Service Alerts

Fare Collection To Resume June 1 On All Omnitrans Services

May 21, 2020
Image of bus driver behind clear protective shield

As we continue to enhance safety measures and local authorities start to relax some stay-at-home restrictions, we are happy to gradually begin phasing into our new normal. Starting on Monday, June 1, 2020, Omnitrans will resume fare collection and front-door boarding on all transit services, including local buses, sbX rapid transit, OmniGo, and OmniAccess paratransit.

In March, we temporarily halted bus fare payment and required customers to board through the rear-doors to support social distancing between operators and customers. Now, protective plexiglass barriers (below) installed on all buses will provide a shield between operators and passengers, making fare collection possible while minimizing contact. Buses will continue to operate at current service levels.

Customers are strongly encouraged to pre-purchase their fare via the Token Transit app. Additionally, users of the trip-planning Transit app will be able to purchase their fare within the app, powered by Token Transit starting June 15. That’s right – you can now plan your trip, track your bus, and pay for your ride with a single app. Download the free Transit app here.

For more information on contactless mobile fares, click here.

If you purchased a multi-day pass that was current on March 23 and had available days left for use, your pass will be honored for an additional 30 days starting on June 1st.

We are thankful for your patience and support during this challenging time for all. Although we are making progress as a region in the fight against COVID-19, the pandemic is still not over. Omnitrans will continue daily disinfecting of high-touch areas in our vehicles, including railings, seating, operator area, floors, and fareboxes. Please continue to exercise the following individual preventative methods for your safety and that of your fellow Omnitrans riders and staff:

  • Use our transit services for essential trips only, and do not ride if you are sick.
  • We strongly recommend wearing a face covering at bus stops and aboard the bus.
  • Maintain six feet of social distance at bus stops, and aboard the bus when possible. If there are too many people at a bus stop, consider taking the next bus. In instances of overcrowding, our operators will call into dispatch to deploy another vehicle to the affected route.
  • Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds before and after riding the bus. Utilizing hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol is also recommended.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing or use the inside of your elbow to cover yourself.
  • Be courteous to other riders and the bus operator by following these precautionary tips.

16 thoughts on “Fare Collection To Resume June 1 On All Omnitrans Services

  1. Wow a small plastic screen will not prevent drivers from getting sick, my dad is a driver and I’m concerned everyday for him, we need distance between the drivers and the passengers. Until we have less deaths we shouldn’t be exposing our family like that

    1. We understand and share the same concerns as you. The barrier is not a screen, it’s a thick plexiglass panel that encapsulates the driver’s area and snaps securely into place. We advise your father speak to his manager or HR if he has additional health concerns.

  2. I see no place in the newest version of the Transit app (Android) to buy passes or rides.

  3. hi, I just purchased a 31 day Bus pass on March 15th and never got to use it because I still had my old bus which ended on March 21, , and I thought this Pandemic was going to be going pass June so my Bus pass went to the trash without being used, if I had known they were going to start back collecting Bus fare June 1, I would still have my unused pass but I didn’t know, but I did speak with someone at Customer service and told them I had just purchased a Bus Pass and the person I spoke with took my name and address down, I thought I would be getting a replacement one, sorry I tossed the old one but it’s been a very long time, can you help me out with a pass because I take Three buses to get to work from San Bernardino to Ontario, thank you

    1. Thank you for reaching out, Myrtle. All bus passes that were still valid on March 23 have been extended for an additional 30 days starting today. Unfortunately, your unused bus pass is not be eligible as it was tossed before activation. If you have any additional questions, please reach us at 1-800-966-6428.

  4. Omnitrans should have always taken care of the inside of these buses like they are now. This is the proper way to sanitize for everyone’s health. Please keep up the good work even after we all get through this pandemic. It’s about time there’s finally a barrier that had also been requested for a very long time. Good job Omnitrans you get a “Meets standards” !

  5. When will transit open so i purchase pass? I am not installing an app that invades your privacy just ride the bus. Have read all permissions the app “needs” to install?

    read the contents of your USB storage
    modify or delete the contents of your USB storage

    read calendar events plus confidential information

    read your contacts

    change your audio settings
    control vibration
    pair with Bluetooth devices
    prevent device from sleeping

    When I purchase my pass from transit center they do not ask my name and who my friends are, nor control my phone. It’s pretty egregious for you force passengers to download spyware just ride the buss. You should be ashamed!!!

    1. We understand your right to privacy and paper passes are still available for sale as well as paying cash fare. The transit center is not yet open due to gathering concerns, but you may purchase your paper passes at pass outlets, by mail, or at ticket vending machines. You can read more about fare types here:, or call us at 1-800-966-6428.

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