sbX Green Line
Routes 10, 15
Routes 2. 6. 312
Coyotes ride Omnitrans for free!
GoSmart lets you ride for free: show a valid school ID and get free unlimited rides on all Omnitrans bus routes! Go study, get coffee and have fun while you save over $700 per month* by riding the bus.
Planning your trip is as easy as 1-2-3:
Four easy routes to
choose from!
sbX Green Line
- Loma Linda
- San Bernardino
The sbX Green Line operated by Omnitrans provides premier express service along the E Street Corridor.
- Civic
- electrical outlets
- Entertainment
- Food & drinks
- Frequent services
- Medical
- Schools & universities
Route 2
- Loma Linda
- San Bernardino
Route 2 serves Cal State San Bernardino and Loma Linda via Kendall.
- Civic
- Entertainment
- Food & drinks
- Medical
- Schools & universities
- Sunday service
Route 6
- San Bernardino
- Sierra Way
Route 6 services San Bernardino, Del Rosa and Cal State San Bernardino.
- Civic
- Schools & universities
- Sunday service
Route 312
- Fontana
- Muscoy
- Rialto
- San Bernardino
Route 312 serves Fontana, Rialto, Muscoy and Cal State San Bernardino.
- Entertainment
- Food & drinks
- Schools & universities
- Sunday service
*When compared to car ownership. Source: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/08/cost-car-ownership.asp