
Employee of the Quarter Jonathan Cryer

November 22, 2021

Coach Operator Jonathan Cryer has made a positive impact this year, going above and beyond his regular job duties transporting people in our community. When Omnitrans launched several outreach events involving appearances of the new zero emission bus (ZEB), Jonathan was tapped to drive the coach to numerous City Council meetings throughout our service area. Jonathan was adept at maneuvering the ZEB into unfamiliar locations and securing the bus in a safe manner at each event. 

Further, Jonathan professionally represented Omnitrans by inviting stakeholders and community members onboard the bus, encouraging them to ask questions and learn more about our newest technology for cleaner air. This fall, Jonathan happily participated in a video segment to introduce local youth to careers in American infrastructure. Jonathan was tasked with speaking extemporaneously about his job on camera, creating interest about one of the most visible and vital careers at Omnitrans. 

Jonathan always shows true compassion toward passengers aboard his bus by anticipating their needs and maintaining a calm and kind demeanor under potentially stressful situations. His collaborative spirit and willingness to help with duties outside of his regular day-to-day functions have earned him the Employee of the Quarter recognition. 

Get to know Jonathan: 

How long have you worked at Omnitrans? 

3 years. 

What did you go before coming to Omnitrans? 

Before Omnitrans, I worked for 3 years loading boxes into trucks for Burlington Coat Factory.  Before that I drove for Foothill Transit. 

What do you like best about working for Omnitrans? 

Serving the community in which I live. 

What is your most memorable moment on the job? 

Being asked to drive the Zero Emissions Bus for the events that occurred this summer. I enjoyed showing the different features to people and loved being able to connect with people, talk with them and find out where they’re coming from. 

What is your most notable achievement? 

In my previous job, I encountered a lot of people who, it seemed to me, were just settled in their positions. I felt that they believed that there was nothing else out there for them, but I always felt like they deserved more. I am still connected to a lot of them, and they see what I am doing now as a coach operator, and how far I have come in my career. I sincerely hope that it gives them hope to see what I have achieved. I feel that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. 

Do you have any hobbies when you’re not working? 

Honestly, just hanging out and watching movies. I love crime dramas. I also love spending time with my kids. When I’m not in uniform, I’m in sweats! 

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