Employee of the Quarter Jose Monroy

September 27, 2021

Driving large vehicles has always been a dream for Omnitrans Coach Operator Jose Monroy.  After a decade of working in retail management, Jose began thinking of making a career change. One day while he was driving with his family through the city of Ontario, they saw an Omnitrans bus. This sparked a family discussion about the possibility of Jose becoming a coach operator for Omnitrans. They encouraged him to apply, and he was hired in December of 2018.  

Since then, Jose has impressed the Operations Department with his dedication to passenger safety and customer service. Jose volunteers for extra shifts, often working his days off in both the East and West Valley divisions to ensure service is not dropped, and that customers get where they need to go. At a time when staff shortages threatened to impact service, this was especially important.

Jose has gone the extra mile to increase collaboration between operators and management by assisting with OpsWeb, the IT communication software for drivers and management. Jose is seen as a leader within the department through his professionalism, can-do-attitude, empathy towards others, and respectful speech.

Coach Operator Jose Monroy (left) was recognized as Employee of the Quarter at the September 2021 Board of Directors meeting by Chair John Dutrey (right).

Get to know Jose:

How long have you worked at Omnitrans?

I have been working at Omnitrans for 2 years and 10 months.

What do you like best about working for Omnitrans?

The friendships that we develop at work. We help each other in any situation. Management is always there when we need them.

What is your most memorable moment on the job?

Graduation day for my coach operator class. My family was invited, and they were very excited to see me starting a new career.

What is your most notable achievement?

Being named the Employee of the Quarter.

Do you have any hobbies when you’re not working?

Spending time with my family on a road trip.

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