
Employee of the Quarter Ted Baranski

November 22, 2021

Custodian Ted Baranski has become known for spreading joy at Omnitrans with his singing and friendly banter, all while getting his job done to ensure that office spaces and facilities are well-kept and ready for work. As a member of the maintenance team, Ted has demonstrated extraordinary commitment to maintaining a professional image and working conditions for Omnitrans employees, stakeholders, visitors, and vendors. 

On any day, Ted can be found diligently cleaning floors, lockers, scraping wax off stairs and bathroom floors, vacuuming offices, and ferrying boxes to the recycle bin. Ted is devoted to providing a clean and clutter-free work area that enhances safety and minimizes the risk for accidents, often singing and giving a humorous word along the way. 

When Ted sees something out of place requiring his attention, he takes care of it immediately. His proactive approach makes a big difference in the lives of his co-workers by providing a clean, safe, and cheerful work environment. 

Get to know Ted: 

How long have you worked at Omnitrans? 

November 11th was my third anniversary. 

What did you go before coming to Omnitrans? 

I worked in the same capacity for a temp agency, but before that, I worked here, at Omnitrans, at the fuel island, also under a temp agency. 

What do you like best about working for Omnitrans? 

The atmosphere. It’s easy to talk to people and interact with them. They seem to like me! 

What is your most memorable moment on the job? 

The day I was hired here. Seriously. It’s easy to take for granted that a company will give you the right tools to do your job. But here, during my first week, I was so grateful to see that we were provided with the best equipment to do our jobs. 

What is your most notable achievement? 

When the pandemic hit, I was re-assigned to the West Valley facility in Montclair to ensure coverage. Vigorous cleaning was asked for, and I took pride in doing the best job I could to help minimize the spread of germs during a crucial time.  

Do you have any hobbies when you’re not working? 

I enjoy swimming and reading. Recently I completed 100 laps in one workout – a new personal record! When I have time, I love to read classic literature. I’m currently revisiting my favorites – Dostoevsky and Aldous Huxley. 

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