
Girl Scout at Omnitrans Career Day

Omnitrans Hosts Girl Scouts for Educational Classroom to Career Day

February 24, 2020

Could a Girl Scout be the future CEO of Omnitrans? After last week’s Classroom to Career Day, she just might be!

When the Girl Scouts of America organization was founded in 1912, it set out to to teach young girls that they could do anything, even if it meant stepping out of the boundaries and traditional gender roles that society had built for them.

In 2020, the Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council (GSSGC) are doing a lot more than just selling their popular cookies – they are continuing to unlock girls’ potential by exploring new possibilities for their future.

For the third year in a row, Omnitrans was proud to collaborate with the Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council, the Women’s Transportation Seminar of the Inland Empire (WTS-IE), the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA), and Metrolink to host the third Classroom to Career Day for over 60 girls from San Bernardino and Riverside counties on Tuesday, February 18, 2020.

“Having an educated workforce is a must for good quality of life in any community,” said Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council Board Member and HDR Vice President Lisa Reece. “The Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio created the Classroom to Career program in partnership with public and private entities to introduce local junior high school girls to STEM careers. Education empowers girls to be the leaders of the future.”

Students on career day

As with prior Classroom to Career days, the students arrived at the San Bernardino Transit Center for informative tours lead by several female professionals working at Omnitrans, who shared their own experiences and career paths with the students. After the tour and a quick ride aboard Metrolink, the students learned about the importance of our transportation network at the Santa Fe Depot.

There, the girls participated in interactive activities that stimulated their minds to think like engineers while designing their own bus stops with amenities, as well as plan their own safe, pedestrian-friendly routes from home to school.

“Omnitrans is proud to continue its partnership with GSSGC, WTS-IE, and SBCTA to expose young girls to potential career paths within the transit industry, a STEM field that may not be top of mind for the average teenager,” said Nicole Ramos, Omnitrans spokesperson. “Classroom to Career Day allows Omnitrans to do its part to connect our community by inspiring young minds and empowering their educational efforts.”

To view photos of this year’s Classroom to Career, visit our photo album on Flickr.

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