Employee of the Quarter Caroljo Mitcham

September 27, 2021

Maintenance Analyst Caroljo Mitcham has worked with SAP, the software system that manages data processing and information flow across the agency, for over 15 years and has become Omnitrans’ resident “superhero” for her work over the past year with the program.

When the Federal Transit Authority revised the process of reporting information via the Transit Asset Management (TAM) program to the National Transit Database (NTD), a customized program had to be created to meet the new TAM reporting process. Knowing that the information supplied by the TAM is crucial to agency compliance with Federal regulations and affects the amount of funding Omnitrans receives, Caroljo stepped in to oversee the project. 

Caroljo worked tirelessly with a programming consultant to demonstrate the mapping of the existing architecture of the SAP system and locate important data.  She met every challenge with a sense of calm and even humor. When the original consultant abruptly departed the consulting company five months into the project, Caroljo rapidly brought the new programmer up to speed to ensure Omnitrans met its reporting deadline. Caroljo methodically performed daily troubleshooting and testing of data tables, fields and population of information to its correct location.

Because of Caroljo’s meticulous oversight, the TAM project was completed on schedule.

Caroljo Mitcham (center) was recognized by the Board of Directors as Employee of the Quarter at their monthly meeting in September 2021. (Left: Chair John Dutrey. Right: Director of Maintenance Connie Raya.)

Get to know Caroljo:

How long have you worked at Omnitrans?

24 and a half years.

What do you like best about working for Omnitrans?

Successfully completing challenges, especially ones that are seemingly insurmountable challenges!

What is your most memorable moment on the job?

When the Operations and Maintenance building was built in 1998, I was one of the first people working downstairs, alone. There were construction platforms that moved, and because they were brand new and being tested out, they made a horrible, screeching noise. The first time one of them moved I jumped! The movie Jurassic Park had just come out, and I looked out the windows fully expecting to see a dinosaur!

What is your most notable achievement?

Being the lead person when we brought SAP in-house, which was a year-long process. The feedback from everyone was positive. I was also named Omnitrans’ first Employee of the Year in 2005.

Do you have any hobbies when you’re not working?

Photography, day trips and Jeep-ing with my husband.

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